90 Day Awakening & Empowerment Program

A Holistic program that combines LIVE Private (1-1) Holistic Life Coaching Sessions with Sarah, plus Yoga and Meditation to finally bring your Spirit, Mind & Body to a place of Positive Balance.

Strengthen your

Intuition & Confidence

  • Learn to trust your intuition

  • Honor your Spirit and make soul-aligned choices

  • No more drama, stress and frustration

Clear Toxic Energies

& Calm Your Mind

  • Private (1-1) Online classes via zoom

  • Learn how your mind & energy system work

  • Never self-sabotage again!

Receive Spiritual

Guidance & Support

  • Achieve your highest potential

  • 20 years of experience

  • Feel supported every step of the way

Meet Sarah...

👇Click the picture below to start VIDEO 👇

This program is for you...

If you want more Peace, Joy & Love in your Life...

If you feel stressed or unfulfilled

...and you don't know WHY!

Wanting more

...but don't knowhow to make the change you need.

Awake and Searching for something

...but still not found what you are looking for.

If you have tried different Teachers and modalities

...but keep ending up back at the same place and

sooner or later, the craving for more just comes back!

If you find yourself held back by a job or unhealthy relationships you’ve outgrown.

You know there's something more

...but you don't know how to claim it

There is a subtle internal conflict you feel within you

... but you can't figure out WHY?

And your mind never stops!

These are all symptoms of

YOUR Spirit calling out for more!

IF you choose to learn from the crisis and

embrace what your Spirit is calling for...

You CAN come out empowered and centered!

I understand how you feel.

Look no further!

You are exactly where you need to be!

This program WILL change your life!

A Holistic and Practical Approach to Spiritual Awakening...

🚫 Practice without understanding

will only get you so far...

🚫 Understanding without practice

will only get you so far...

This program integrates the 3 things you need to create REAL, Sustainable change in your life:


Create a Mindfulness Practice designed for YOUR specific needs and lifestyle.

Private (1-1) Zoom Yoga & Meditation sessions can be recorded so you can keep them for life!


9 Online Modules about how the Human Energy System works and Enlightening Book discussions


Private (1-1) Holistic Life Coaching Sessions with Sarah to help you create REAL, sustainable change at home and at work

The Path of Spiritual Awakening can be filled with interesting twists and turns...

Are you ready to create a Life that is fully aligned with your Spiritual Purpose on Earth?

How does it work?

- Private (1-1) Holistic Life Coaching Sessions with Sarah

- Private (1-1) Yoga & Meditation Sessions to create a mindfulness practice customized for YOUR specific needs. Sessions can be recorded so you have access for life!

- 9 Module Online Course to help understand how the Mind and the Human Energy System work

- Practical Book discussions

- Full Online Library of Courses, Classes, Meditations & Resources

And much more!

Learn to Walk The Path of Love & Light REAL

You will feel supported every step of the way!

Yes, I'm interested. Let's chat...

Enter your info below to learn more & schedule a call online...

HOW is this program different?

I know you’ve walked the walk!

You've done a lot of inner work too.

But it has been on the physical and mental levels...

Now it’s time to clear blocks and wounds at a deeper level

and experience the profound transformation you have been looking for!

These energy and mental blocks are affecting your life in ways you may not be aware!

I see it all the time with my students...

Once they UNDERSTAND and gain CLARITY, they are able to release energy blocks and accomplish their deepest desires, whether it's to heal an intimate relationship or get a business off the ground.

All your heart’s desires fall into your lap when you

make healing & spiritual growth a your priority!

Yes! I'm ready ready to make my Spirit a priority.

Please enter your info below to learn more & schedule a call...

Find REAL Empowerment and Fulfillment in Life by Reconnecting with your Spirit!

We are on this Earth to heal, manifest, awaken, and grow spiritually.

Discover the path your spirit wants you to take so you can finally find TRUE inner peace and thrive!

Finally find the root cause of the energy blocks that have held you back for a long time!

Become the master of your destiny and share your gifts with others!

Follow the calling of your Spirit and Create a life you truly LOVE!

Learn how to identify with the flow of pure energy!

Instead of walking around with tension and anxiety...

walk around feeling love, openness, beauty and gratitude!

This is how Spirit feels...

Spirit always feels good, open and light!

Wow! This sounds Amazing...

Yes! I am ready to expand in Light & Love!

Book a call to learn more...

This is my promise to you..

At the end of this program you will feel grounded, peaceful and aligned with your soul.

You will have a deep understanding of how you are creating your reality and what you need to do to continuously expand in Love & Light!

I will walk with you every step of the way leaving no stone un-turned to help you reach your highest potential.

You will feel supported every step of the way!

Sarah Ceo

Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher,

Holistic Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

About Sarah...

People come to me when they've tried everything else and need to make a powerful switch from the inside out...

If you are skeptical about another coach or Spiritual guide, I get it.

I tried many teachers myself. They all had good intentions, but they could not take me deep enough to truly help me improve...

Until one day I found a TRUE Loving Teacher who teach me The Path or REAL!

Since then, I have done over 13 years of intense personal healing and monastery style training and studies to become a Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Life Coach and Advanced Yoga Teacher.

I have gone through a complete complete process of transformation, awakening, growth, and transcendence to become the Teacher I am today!

I’ve taken action, and let go of many people, places, and things that no longer served me.

Therefore, I am really good at taking you to the depths of yourself to understand what is really holding you back...

You will discover a totally new paradigm of understanding,

and deep love compassion for yourself and those around you.

You will feel empowered to take action and responsibility for

your inner healing in a very real and practical way.

If you are looking for a true, loving, patient and kind Spiritual Teacher, who can teach you The Way for REAL...

Look no further!

I can not promise it will be easy...

It might even be challenging and uncomfortable at times, but the work I will help you do WILL bring you True, REAL and Sustainable Inner peace!

I have built the skills that are actually required to help others for REAL!

I WALK the Path I Teach…

Now I lead my students with confidence and fearlessness,

because I’ve done the work myself.

You will feel supported every step of the way!

Sounds great! Let's Chat...

I would like to schedule a call to learn more...

What does Spiritual Awakening REALLY mean?

TRUE Progress in your Spiritual Path IS NOT measured by Ecstatic Experiences.

It is measured by THE Wisdom with which you LIVE your life and the choices you make EVERY Single Day.

EVERYTHING you do in your Life MUST be a Conscious, Awake Choice that FULLY Honors your Spirit.

If you are not doing this, you are NOT really living a Spiritual Life...

And THIS is WHY you are experiencing the inner conflict and lack of fulfillment even though you have Searched for so long.

In these 90 days, you will learn to truly connect with your Spirit so you can create TRUE, Sustainable Transformation and align your Life with your Spirit's purpose!

What Students are saying...

"I can't even describe the feeling of joy, peace and contentment I feel after this program!"

- Aneesa T.

"I felt completely safe and non-judged, and this allowed me to give myself permission to be honest with myself"

- Michelle H.

"I feel like every interaction we have is Sacred"

- Rebecca H.

"I had everything a person would have wished for... But still this nagging feeling that something was missing... Now I don't have that feeling anymore!"

- Luba S.

"In three months you will learn how to Navigate your life... This course will help you at home, and in your job, and with everything!"

- Lyzzette G.

"I have better relationships with my family. I do not carry the stress anymore... I no longer feel heavy and tight in my chest"

- Renata K.

"I just knew in my heart I had to work with Sarah"

- Tammy P.

"If you have been searching for something like this, just take the leap of faith and do it."

- Rosanne C.

Awaken to your True Purpose on Earth!

All your heart’s desires fall into your lap when you make

Healing & Spiritual Growth your Priority...

  • Heal Your Past & Follow Your Heart to Manifest the Life You Desire

  • Make Confident Choices Aligned your Passion and Purpose

  • Trust Your Intuition and take Inspired Leaps of Faith

  • Gain a deep understanding of how you’re creating your reality

  • Make a Difference as you Walk Your Path of Love & Light

  • Let your Soul Guide You to make changes that bring you lasting,

profound and sustainable Inner Peace and Healing

  • Create a sustainable Yoga & Meditation Practice customized

for YOUR specific needs!

During this course I will guide you to the next level of Spiritual awakening, clarity and purpose by helping you find the part of yourself that is ready to heal, and get unstuck.

CREATE a life you truly LOVE!

Learn how to identify with the flow of pure energy!

Instead of walking around with tension and anxiety...

walk around feeling love, openness, beauty and gratitude!

This is how Spirit feels...

Spirit always feels good, open and Light!

Sarah Ceo

Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher

Holistic Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

Follow me here to take the next step...

I look forward to an Enlightening Journey Together