Discover the Benefits of Becoming a Yoga Teacher

Transform Your Passion for Yoga into a Fulfilling Career as Certified Instructor

200-Hour starts June 22nd, 2024

300-Hour starts October 16th, 2024

a one-of-a-kind certification experience

  • Connect with your soul’s purpose

  • Find your unique way to Serve and expand in Light & Love

  • Experience a truly transformational journey

  • Bring your Spirit, Mind and Body to a place of positive balance

  • Deepen your personal Yoga practice

  • Gain an deep understanding of Yoga as a Path to Spiritual Awakening

  • Find your inner voice and become a confident Yoga Teacher

  • Embody the Sacred practice of Yoga and lead inspiring classes

  • Connect with a community of like-minded Yogis

  • Create a successful Yoga career

  • Truly transform your life and your student’s lives for REAL

start your journey today

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Two Options for you:

Level 1

For students who want to BECOME YOGA TEACHERS and/or begin or deepen their personal Yoga practice

200-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Certification

12-Months meeting once per week

Saturdays 8:30am MT


  • History of Yoga & different Styles

  • The 8-Limbs of Yoga Philosophy

  • Practical Yoga Anatomy & Proper Alignment


  • In-depth study of The Yoga Sutras of Panajali

  • In-depth study of The Baghavad Gita

  • Aryuveda & the Human Energy System


  • Teaching Methodology

  • Customizing the Practice for the Individual (Pre-Natal Yoga, teaching kids, seniors, etc.)

  • Practicing & Teaching Restorative Yoga

Level 2

For students who are ALREADY Certified Yoga Teachers and ready for their ADVANCED Certification

300-Hour Yoga Alliance Registered Certification

21-Months meeting once per week

Wednesdays 1:30pm MT


  • Structural Yoga Therapy (Working with back, neck, shoulder, knee injuries & more)

  • Coaching your Students from a Spiritual perspective

  • Living and teaching the Yamas & Niyamas


  • Deepening & Teaching the Art of Pranayama

  • The stages of Spiritual growth & Healing the 7 Chakras

  • Creating a Successful Yoga business


  • The Art of Sound Healing

  • Learn & Practice Kundalini Yoga

  • In-depth study of The Ramayana

become a top instructor that attracts clients immediately after becoming certified

#1. These are LONG TERM Certification programs(there are no shortcuts in the REAL Path of Love & Light)

#2. All sessions 3-hours are LIVE on Zoom with Sarah (no DIY pre-recorded nonsense)

#3. Small Semi-Private Groups (so you can have ALL your questions answered every time)

#4. 22+ Years of experience (I will lead each and every class personally)

#5. DEEP Dive into Yoga Philosophy & Lifestyle (Plus how to apply it in your life for REAL)

#6. Strong focus on proper Alignment in Yoga poses & deep understanding of anatomy

#7. Personalized mentoring to Create a Successful Career teaching Yoga (based on YOUR specific strengths & personality)

About Your Instructor

Sarah Ceo

Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher,

Holistic Life Coach & Yoga Teacher

(E-RYT 500)

There are a lot of quick and easy Yoga Teacher Certification programs out there that won't prepare you to be a successful instructor.

Sarah has been practicing for 22 years and teaching professionally for more than 12 years. She holds over 8 Certifications in Yoga, Meditation, Energy Healing & Holistic Life Coaching.

Sarah also has 14+ years of intense personal healing and monastery style training and studied to become a Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher. She is also a Holistic Life Coach and Advanced Yoga Teacher. She has gone through a complete transformation, awakening, growth, and transcendence to become the Teacher she is today.


Sarah has built the skills required to help you and your students get real results!

She leads her students confidently and fearlessly because she has done the work herself.

You will feel supported every step of the way!

what students have to say about sarah's Certification Programs:

start your journey today

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Join the Many students who have Successfully completed certification and started successful careers as an instructor

start your journey today

Enter Your Information Below To Receive Your Yoga Certification Syllabus, Dates, Time, Cost & Payment Plan Options...

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